Obedience = Success
God defines success differently than the world.
Kate Dreston
1 min read
John 14:15 (KJV) "If ye love me, keep my commandments."
Knowing it isn't the world's definition, I believe we find success when we are obedient to God's commands.
The world defines success as having
- an important job title
- wealth and many possessions
- many friends and a full social calendar
God defines success as having
- faith in His Son, Jesus Christ
- love for people
- inner beauty
As an author, it's easy to think true accomplishment is found in how many people follow your social media accounts or how many books you sell.
I've learned not to trust those things. If God has put a book in my heart, it doesn't matter if it makes a best seller's list. My obedience to God's call to write is most important.
The principle is the same for anything God has called you to do in life (serving on a committee, starting a business, being a blessing to others, etc.). Real success is based on your obedience to follow the Lord's leading, not the number of people affected by your actions.
For example, is a youth group leader with fifty kids more successful than a leader with five? If both are obeying God's call in their lives, both are successful.
I challenge you not to focus on numbers, dollars, or whatever else the world might use to judge your accomplishments. Focus on obeying God and leave the results to Him.
Dear Lord, help me to focus on what You want me to do and not on whether anyone else thinks my efforts are worth it.